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The adolescence project was a short project focused on the biology and neurology of an teenagers brain and the science driving it. We as a class spent time studding the different biochemical and microelectronic processes occurring at this time in the different part of a teenagers brain. We also studied the physical and social changes an teenager goes through as they age into young adults and leave behind the more physical changes of puberty. We used out knowledge to produce an final product in the forma of an info graphic about a subject of our choosing relating to a social or neurological event occurring towards modern adolescents. The presumed reason for this project was to help us as teenagers understand the things occurring in our brains as we mature and develop.

The biggest challenge I personally faced with this project, was the fining the specific resources I needed for my info-graphic and properly citing them properly from the internet. I found it difficult to find sources regarding the specific branch of tribalism psychology that I was researching for my info graphic. I solved this by looking at the sources cited at the bottom of the wiki page of teen tribalism, these provided the information I needed and were a lot easier to sources properly for my info graphic.

My greatest success during this project was working on the graphic part of my info-graphic as I feel that the little cartoon graphics I designed were a good representation of my subject matter. I spent a lot of effort getting the little graphic bits to properly represent the material that I was writing about in my information bits. I feel tat they were high quality and that they are a fitting representation of what I was trying to say in the written parts. I am satisfied with the work I provided in those parts of the project and would not change anything about them 

If I could go back and replace or redo one part of my project it would be the first draft/practice info graphic we made for the first part of the project. I feel that the original information I provided was not high quality and that the product was low effort and not very interesting or informational to the audience. I would like to go back and do it again  with a bit more time spent on the the written informational bits. I feel that I could improve and expand them greatly with more time.

Project Reflection

Adolescent Brain


Climate change is the change of regional and global temperatures, weather patterns, water tables, and biospheres over a period of time. This refers both to man-made and natural changes in an environment. On the other hand Global Warming is the change of global temperature independent of any other factors which can be attributed to the atmospheric makeup of a planet.


The rate at which climate change is now occurring is far greater than at many of the other points in human history and there is a concern that this may be due to the human activity regarding carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses that humans produce in massive quantities via factory consumption.


My project shows the the amount of metal thrown away by the average american on a regular basis and by extension the amount of metal they could recycle to help save the planet. The amount of metal people throw away directly contributes to climate change and they could help save the planet if they simply tools steps to recycle the material instead. My project showed my understanding by showing how easy it is to help the planet and reuse the material in a safe and healthy way for the environment


My largest area of growth in this project is my skills as a ninth century Anglo Saxon blacksmith. I feel that my ability to produce weapons and Armour to turn back viking raiders into the sea has faced an linear increase and I now am much better at making horseshoes for m’lord.


My greatest strength in the project was the refusal to give up even after my first attempts crashed and burned and melted. The reason I was able to persevere was my raw unadulterated rage and refusal to allow the pathetic excuse for a god that created this earth to dictate my fate. I hate god and if I want to make metal then I am going to make metal.

Project Reflection

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